
We Do Not Sell Lottery Tickets


Loto Statistics Tools

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO   Statistics

Don’t know what numbers to play? Your numbers never come up? Want to know what the most common number is? All these questions, and more, can be answered with our new (but still in beta) lottery tools.


Number Frequency

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Number Frequency Statistics

This reporting tool tells you when the Lotto number was last seen by date, number of draws and calendar days.


Jackpots Won

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Jackpots Won Statistics

Which Lotto draw had the highest amount of winning and when was it? Was it last draw? or long ago? This tool will tell you.


Number Combination

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Number Combination Statistics

This reporting tool helps you find your favorite numbers combination (up to 4 numbers) and report it back to you as last seen by date, number of draws and calendar days.


Consecutive Pairs

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Consecutive Pairs Statistics

Finding the most common Consecutive pair of numbers drawn in a lottery draw is one of the most basic but important tools you’ll ever use.


Consecutive Triplets

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Consecutive Triplets Statistics

Finding the most common Consecutive Triplets of numbers drawn in a lottery draw is one of the most basic but important tools you’ll ever use.


Consecutive Quad

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Consecutive Quad Statistics

Finding the most common Consecutive quadruplets of numbers (15-16-17-18) drawn in a lottery draw, althought it has a very rare occurrence .


Frequent Pairs

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Frequent Pairs Statistics

Finding the most common pair of numbers drawn in a lottery draw is one of the most basic but important tools you’ll ever use.


Skip And Hit

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Skip And Hit Statistics

This tool analyses the average distance between when a ball was last drawn (hit) and when the same ball was not (skip).


Sum of Numbers

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Sum of Numbers Statistics

By adding up the values of the balls in each draw, the most common values (sum of numbers) can be counted up, and compared.


Odd Versus Even

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Odd Versus Even Statistics

This tool highlights every possible combination of odd and even numbers and how many times that combination of odd and even numbers has been drawn.


All Even Numbers

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  All Even Numbers Statistics

It’s great tool to use if you’re interested in Odd numbers betting only.


All Odd Numbers

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  All Odd Numbers Statistics

It’s great tool to use if you’re interested in Even numbers betting only.


Same Unit Number

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Same Unit Number Statistics

Do you like to play same last digits, such as (3-13) or (23-33) or (4-44)? With this tool you can find same set of numbers, and if they ever drawn.


Wednesday or Saturday

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Wednesday or Saturday Statistics

Which week day had the highest possibility of winning? is there any difference between the days, or they share equal possibility?


Combined Draws Analysis

New Zealand, NZ LOTTO  Combined Draws Analysis Statistics

This tool "Combined Draws Analysis" is very useful method to analyse last group of draws.



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Terms and conditions:

This website is not an official website and is not associated with any New Zealand Lottery company that manages any product for which their services are employed.

The information available on the NZ-LOTTO.COM website is solely for the use of players and prospective players of The New Zealand lotteries. These are information pages only and are not intended to encourage participation in lotteries.

Do check your results from any authorized lotto dealer near you to confirm your winnings.

Lotto Results

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