
PLAY LOTTO NZ, Buy The Lotto nz, Check the Results, Win The Draw.



Lottery wheeling makes use of lottery ‘wheels’ (a list of number permutations) to effectively play ‘extra’ numbers in a lottery line. It is argued that wheeling can increase your odds of winning a prize in the lottery. PlayHugeLottos.com has an automated wheeling function (up to 3 extra numbers) called Extra Numbers. To play using Extra Numbers simply select it from the Play Options menu on the right hand side of the page.


The term voucher is used to denote a free ticket or ticket credit. It can refer to a promotion code or simply a free ticket added to a players account.

USA Powerball

(American Powerball) This multi-State American lottery has been around in one form or another since 1988. It boasts the second highest lottery jackpot ever won in the world, a stunning US$590.5 million (2013). Powerball offers a cash or annuity payment option for its massive jackpots. Players can take part in this game twice a week on Wednesday and Saturday.


A digit that over a period of time is drawn less often than the norm. These numbers are favored because they can only reach normality by being drawn.


This refers to a single instance of purchasing a lottery ticket or tickets on the PlayHugeLottos.com website. You can purchase multiple tickets across a number of lotteries in a single transaction. This is convenient as you only have to conduct a single payment and you will receive a single email containing all the transaction information.


Italy’s favourite lottery! Players must choose 6 numbers between 1 and 90. An additional ball (the Jolly number) is also drawn to create an additional prize tier for all Match 5 winners. SuperEna is played 3 times per week on Tuesday,


Every year Euromillions hold special draws with very large guaranteed jackpots. The jackpots are usually set at €100 million and these special draws will usually occur in Feb-March and then again in October. But they have been occasionally known to occur in other months as well. The public receives very little advanced notice of SuperDraws so players need to be quick to take part.

Star Numbers

In addition to the five regular numbers that players must choose in Euromillions, they are required to choose an additional two ‘star’ numbers. Players choose two numbers from a possible eleven and matching one or both star numbers in addition to the standard numbers will win players higher prize amounts. To win the jackpot players must match both the five standard numbers and the two star numbers.

Standard Bundle

(or Bundle Play) This will automatically enter you into every lottery draw available on PlayHugeLottos.com for a standard period of time. The time periods available are 1 week, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 1 year. Bundle purchases are heavily discounted and thus do not accrue LottoPoints.


This refers to a length of time greater than a single draw. To play a spanned entry is to play tickets for draws in advance of the nearest draw. For example, you play a UK Lottery line that spans 5 weeks. This means that your UK Lottery ticket will be entered into every draw for a period of 5 weeks.

Rollover Limit

Certain lotteries have a maximum number of times that they can rollover, after which the jackpot prize will be dispersed to lower tiers if there is no winner.


If a lottery draw is not won (i.e. there is no jackpot prize winner) the jackpot prize amount will be carried across to the next draw, resulting in a larger draw size. There are varying rules governing the number of rollovers that can occur and the increments in which the jackpots can increase from lottery to lottery.

Rewards Program

An incentive that rewards players for playing the lottery on PlayHugeLottos.com. The more you play, the more free tickets you earn via this rewards program.


A number that contains at least one of the digits that was drawn the previous day or the previous draw.

Rapid Play

The Rapid Play function on PlayHugeLottos.com is a play option that allows you to play tickets into all draws for a lottery for a period of 1 week or 1 month with a click of the button. The option is available on the Play Options menu located on the right hand side of the page.


In addition to lottery products PlayHugeLottos.com also offers a number of Spanish raffles including the El Gordo de Navidad and the El Gordo de Verano. Unlike lottery games where players can choose their numbers the raffles provide existing sets of numbers which players are assigned based on availability.

Quick Play

Another term for Quick Pick emphasising here the speed and efficiency elements of having your numbers randomly selected on the play block. PlayHugeLottos.com give you the option of automatically playing the most overdue or the most often drawn numbers as well.

Quick Pick

For when you cannot decide what numbers to play or are in a hurry to enter many lines and want the numbers entered speedily. A Quick Pick ticket is one where the numbers have been randomly chosen by the lottery terminal. On PlayHugeLottos.com Quick Pick entries can be played by selecting the “Quick Play” option on the play-block when placing your entry. Quick Picks are often bulk entries which is why we have the option to place up to 50 entries at a time.

Quick Pick

A random selection of numbers made by computer.

Promotion Code

(Voucher code) A 16 digit code that can be inserted into the promotion code page and redeemed for an entry or number of entries. These codes are either promotional in nature or can be purchased on the site, for example via the gift voucher page.

Prize Tiers

Prize tiers could be considered prize ‘groups’. Depending on the number of balls that a player has correctly matched in the draw, they will win a corresponding value. Every lottery game differs in the number of prize tiers available and the values available to be won in each. In some games the prizes are fixed and do not vary (for example, the 2nd tier prize for USA Powerball is fixed at $1 million) in other games the prize values will vary on the number of other winners in the tier and the total prize fund available.

Prize Pool

This comprises all the prize values across the various tiers in a particular draw. In other words, it is the total cash available to be won in a draw across all the prize tiers. Depending on the lottery, a large percentage of the prize pool value will be assigned to the jackpot tier.


A lottery pool comprises a group of people who join together as a group to purchase lottery tickets. By combining together they are able to afford more tickets and thus increase their odds of winning. The only downside is that in the event of a win the prize then gets split between all members of a group. A large number of prizes are won by pools.

Oz Powerball

(Australian Powerball) Modelled on the American Powerball game this popular Australian lottery was launched in 1996 and later revised in 2013. Players must match a total of 7 numbers to win the jackpot prize. The biggest jackpot won to date is AUD$80 million (2009). Players can chance their luck once a week on Thursday.

Oz Lotto

(or Super 7's Oz Lotto or Oz 7 Lotto) Australia’s biggest lottery! This is one of the few lotteries in the world in which 7 numbers are selected from the same ball set. To win the jackpot players must match all 7 numbers. A further 2 numbers are also drawn known as the supplementary numbers; these create additional prize tiers for Match 3, 5 and 6 tiers. The biggest Oz Lotto jackpot ever won was AUD$112 million jackpot won in November 2012.


A digit that has not been drawn in more days than the norm. These numbers are favored because they can only reach normality by being drawn.

Online Game

A game where tickets are purchased through a network of computer terminals located at retail outlets. The terminals are linked to a central computer that records the wagers. Examples of online games include lotto, keno and numbers games.

Off-line Game

A game that does not require the use of a computer terminal for purchase. Instant and passive games are examples of off-line games.

No-match Numbers

A 3 or 4 digit number that contains no double digits as in the 'Double' or 'Double-Double'.


The Multiplier is an addition to your entry that will effectively double, triple or quadruple your winnings in the event of you matching the required numbers on the various winning tiers of each lottery (excluding jackpot and second tier wins). This option can be applied per ticket on your entry confirmation page. You can select a X2, X3 or a X4 multiplier depending on how much you wish to multiply your winnings by.

Multi-State Lotteries

In the USA certain lotteries are played across a number of different States. Ticket sales are combined across all the various States to create some truly spectacular jackpot amounts. Examples of a Multi-State lottery include Powerball and Mega Millions.

Mega Number

A separate drawn number used in SuperLotto Plus of the California Lottery. Players choose 5 numbers from 1 to 47 and a MEGA number from 1 to 27. There are 9 ways to match and win. In fact, you can win even if you just match the MEGA number. To win the Jackpot, you must match all five numbers plus the MEGA number. For each SuperLOTTO Plus draw, a pool of two draw machines is used. The first machine is designated as the SuperLOTTO Plus draw machine, with the remaining machine designated as the Mega draw machine.

Mega Da Virada

Once a year on New Year’s Eve the Brazilian Mega-Sena lottery offers a very special draw called Mega Da Virada. This special draw features a giant jackpot comprised of a percentage of every prize fund from each Mega-Sena draw throughout the year. Tickets are available in December from PlayHugeLottos.com.

Mega Ball

In addition to the standard 5 numbers drawn from a possible 75, Mega Millions players have to pick an additional 1 number out of a possible 15. This 6th number is called the Mega Ball. The Mega Ball acts like a bonus ball and is applied to any player who has matched 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 standard numbers in the Mega Millions draws, increasing the value of the prize. A small prize is also awarded for matching the Mega Ball alone. To win the jackpot a player must match all 5 standard numbers plus the Mega Ball.

Lucky Dip

Another term for Quick Pick, it refers to a ticket with numbers that are randomly selected by the lottery software.


The name of the PlayHugeLottos.com rewards program. Players earn ‘points’ on every cash transaction. Points accumulate over a 30 day cycle and can be redeemed for free lottery tickets.

Lottery Winning Numbers

The numbers that are picked in the lottery draw are known as the winning numbers. If a player matches above a certain combination of the winning numbers he will win a prize, the value will vary depending on the amount of numbers matched. If a player matches all the winning lottery numbers they have won the biggest prize on offer, the jackpot.

Lottery Results

This refers to the outcome of a lottery draw and is a broader term than simply the winning numbers. Lottery results can include the total number of prize winners and the amounts won per player and per tier in total in addition to the winning numbers.

Lottery Newsletter

PlayHugeLottos.com make it their mission to keep all their lottery players informed of upcoming draw information and jackpot sizes. Subscribed players who play regularly will receive 2 newsletters a week advising them of all the latest lottery draw information. Newsletters are sent to opt-in subscribers only, we do not spam.

Lottery jackpot

A lottery jackpot is the top prize available to be won in any lottery game. To win a jackpot a player must match all of the balls correctly. Jackpot values vary from lottery to lottery from more modest values in games like Mega Sena and UK Lottery to record breaking jackpot amounts offered on games like USA Powerball, Mega Millions and Euromillions. Jackpot values will also depend on tickets sales for the draw, the number of rollovers that occur, the odds of matching all the balls and whether a rollover or jackpot cap is in place.

Lottery Entry

Also known as a ticket. An entry consists of a set of numbers that will be entered into a draw. If the numbers on the entries match the winning numbers then you will win the jackpot. Lottery Ticket – This is the ‘base unit’ of any transaction and is an entry into a lottery draw. It contains a set of numbers that are either chosen by the player or randomly selected by the lottery software. If the numbers on your lottery ticket match the numbers drawn on the correlating lottery draw, you will win the lottery jackpot.

Lottery Draw

(Or ‘prize draw’, ‘jackpot draw’ or simply ‘draw’) The event at which the winning numbers for the lottery are established. In most instances the draw is held at the same particular venue for every draw, with balls being randomly chosen by the lottery machine. Draws are held on consistent, particular days either once, twice or three times a week.

Lottery Affiliate Program

Entrepreneurs can promote lotteries through a lottery affiliate program. The program will offer commission on sales made by referred players. Affiliates can earn hundreds of thousands of Pounds promoting the lotteries on offer at PlayHugeLottos.com. Find out more on LottaRewards.com.

Lottery Affiliate

A lottery affiliate is an entrepreneur who promotes lottery products and earns a commission on all sales made by referred players. Anyone can become a lotto affiliate provided they have the means to promote online or offline. Find out more on the PlayHugeLottos.com official affiliate program, LottaRewards.com.


A lottery is a contest where players buy tickets and have a random (and low) chance of winning.


LottaRewards.com is the name given to the official affiliate program for PlayHugeLottos.com. Affiliates can join LottaRewards and earn fantastic commission when they refer players.

Loteria Nacional Extra

The name given to the series of exceptional ‘super raffles’ held over the course of the year in Spain, including the giant summer raffle held in July.


A lottery line is synonymous with ‘ticket’ or ‘entry’. It means a single set of numbers entered into a lottery. For example: “I entered 1 line into the UK Lottery last night. The numbers were 6 – 10 – 22 – 24 – 31 – 47 and I’m hoping they win!”

Jolly Number

This is the name given to bonus ball in the SuperEnaLotto. The Jolly number gives players an extra chance to those who have matched 5 balls. If they have also matched the Jolly number they will win a higher “5 + 1” prize. This bonus ball only applies to players who have matched 5 balls.

Jackpot Limit

Certain lotteries such as Eurojackpot and Euromillions have a maximum value that a jackpot can reach, after which it will stop growing. There are varying rules governing what will occur when the maximum jackpot amount is reached depending on the lottery involved.


This is a set of pre-defined rules that ensures you never miss any lottery draws when your entry criteria have been met. You can specify to automatically be entered into draws once the jackpot has reached a certain level or once a certain number of rollovers have occurred or in the event of a special SuperDraw.

Hot Numbers

(Or most often draw numbers) These are numbers that have been appearing regularly in recent lottery draws. They are numbers that commonly appear as winning numbers.

Holiday raffles

A general term used to refer to the big Spanish raffles that occur over Christmas and mid-year.

Gift Vouchers

Why not give the gift that keeps on giving? Imagine sending someone a gift that results in a hundred million Dollar jackpot win? PlayHugeLottos.com has a selection of gift vouchers available. Simply log in, go to the play options menu item and fill in the relevant information. The recipient will receive a themed mailer with a promotion code.

German Lotto

(6aus49) With a top jackpot of €43,382,458 it’s little wonder that this is the biggest National lottery in Germany. Draws take place twice a week with jackpots starting at a minimum of €1 million for a Wednesday night and €2 million for a Saturday night draw.

France Loto

Loto Francaise has been played for many years in France and offers jackpots starting at €2 million, increasing by €1 million for every rollover. Players must choose 6 numbers from 2 sets of balls and can play 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Extra Numbers

(or Extra Play) This play option approximates the lottery wheeling function of playing an extended number selection. The Extra Number function allows you to play an extra 1, 2 or 3 numbers per line. Simply select the extra numbers you wish to play and the system will automatically work out all the possible combinations using the permutations available from your extended number selection. To play using Extra Numbers simply select it from the Play Options menu on the right hand side of the page.


A pan-European lottery game that spans a number of countries including Spain, France and UK. Euromillions has been around since 2004 and is arguably the most popular lottery game in Europe, possibly even the world. Players must match a total of 7 numbers to take home the jackpot prize which is capped at an unbelievable €190 million. In 2011 a second weekly draw was added giving players the chance to win millions every Tuesday and Friday.


The 2nd biggest pan-European lottery in the world. EuroJackpot incorporates the European countries that are not included in the Euromillions lottery ensuring that all European nations now have a chance of winning the big one. Launched in March 2012 this lottery is growing in popularity and with giant jackpots starting from €10 million it’s very understandable. Play

Deposit Bonus

PlayHugeLottos.com does on occasion offer players a deposit bonus. This means that when you make a deposit into your online play funds you will receive additional funds. The double deposit bonus (or 100% deposit bonus) for example, means that PlayHugeLottos.com will double your funds when you make a deposit. Watch your inbox for news on these kinds of offers.

Del Turista raffle

The name given to the Spanish Sorteo Extraordinario that takes place in September each year. The name is a reference to the country's tourist industry that booms during that time of the year.


(Or Deadline or Close of play) Every lottery has a cut-off time by which entries must be submitted. PlayHugeLottos.com sets the deadline in advance of land-based terminals to ensure that staff has adequate time to purchase all last minute entries. It is always advisable to get your entries in well in advance of the deadline if possible. If a player misses the deadline for a draw the entries are placed automatically in the next draw.

Cold Numbers

(Or most overdue numbers) These are numbers that have not appeared in a lottery draw for a long time. In other words, these are numbers that are currently not appearing as winning numbers very often.

Cash Payout

(Or Cash option or Lump sum payout) Certain lotteries offer the choice between an annuity payment of the jackpot prize or of taking a lesser value but paid immediately as a cash, lump-sum value. The cash value is determined based on a percentage of the total jackpot value available. The American lotteries: USA Powerball, Mega Millions and SuperLotto Plus are examples of lotteries that offer the choice between a cash or annuity payment.


The Camelot Group are the operators of the UK National Lottery. They were awarded the National Lottery franchise in May 1994.


Caixa Econômica Federal is a Brazilian bank and also the largest government-owned financial institution in Latin America. They are the organising body of the giant Brazilian Mega-Sena lottery.


The bundle play option represents a more efficient and easier way to play a collection of different lotteries with a simple click of the button. Players have the choice between 3 types of bundles – Standard, Super 7 and Big 5. The bundles differ based on the number of lotteries they include. The bundle play option lets you play a number of different lotteries at once over a predefined period while simultaneously enjoying a healthy discount on the entries. All numbers entered are quick pick entries.

Bonus ball

A bonus ball is an additional ball that is drawn after the standard numbers have been drawn. This will usually apply to only one or two of the prize tiers and creates an additional prize tier with bigger prizes than a player would get without matching the bonus ball. For example, the UK Lottery has six standard numbers which are drawn. An additional bonus ball is then also drawn and applied to all players who matched 5 balls. If a player matches 5 balls and the bonus ball they win more money than if they had simply matched 5 balls alone. Bonus balls are not applied to the jackpot prize tier. For example, if you match all 6 balls and the bonus ball you will not win anything over the jackpot amount.

Big 5 Bundle

The Big 5 bundle features 5 of the most popular lotteries in the world – Eurojackpot, Euromillions, SuperEnaLotto, Mega Millions and US Powerball. It operates exactly as the other bundle play options with the exception that it only includes 5 lotteries.

Ball Set

The lottery ‘ball set’ simply means the physical set of balls that are used for a particular lottery. These will vary in number depending on the game involved with the most common ball set comprising 49 balls. Lotteries will also vary on the number of ball sets that are available for possible use in a draw. The UK National Lottery for example has 14 different sets of 49 balls which they make use of.

Annuity Payout

An annuity payout is when the full jackpot value is paid out to a winner but the value is paid out in annual instalments over time (for example, Mega Millions pays out an annuity jackpot over 26 years). This is in contrast to the cash payout that is paid out immediately but the player receives only a percentage value of the total jackpot value (about 60%). The American lotteries: USA Powerball, Mega Millions and SuperLotto Plus are examples of lotteries that offer the choice between a cash or annuity payment.


It is like a mortgage. Lotteries sometimes use annuities to create higher jackpots than they have the cash for. An annuity backed jackpot winner collects the money in installments over several years, typically over 20 or 25 years. Bonus Ball - A seventh ball drawn in the UK National Lottery. Matching 5 numbers and the 'Bonus Ball' wins the second highest prize.


A retail outlet for lottery tickets.











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Do check your numbers with the 'Official Lottery Operators' before assuming that you have a winning ticket or not. The information contained in this site is for information and entertainment purposes only. Every care has been taken in its preparation and we do not make any warranties or representations as to its completeness, accuracy or reliability.

If there is any conflict between the information on this site and the information of the Official Game Operator in New Zealand (as amended from time to time), the Official Game Operator data will take priority

The Lottery Operator shall not pay a prize based upon information obtained here or from any source other than the Lottery Operator’s official prize validation sheet.

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New Zealand Lotto nz Results, 2462, from MYLOTTO, mylotto.co.nz.

operator in New Zealand, held
Lotto nz Results
draw 2462 on Saturday, 8th March 2025 in New Zealand. The Lotto nz Results draw was transmitted live on TV.

New Zealand Lotto nz Results
Draw Number 2462, was held on 2025-03-08, with following Lotto nz Results results: 05, 11, 12, 23, 38, 39, with Complimetary ball numbers: 01, and Powerball was 06, Total Winnings for this draw was: $2,548,507.00.

NEW ZEALAND LOTTO, lotto result, national lotto results,powerball, strike numbers, powerball results, powerball numbers, powerball lotto,Lottery Results,Lotto Numbers, Lotto Nz, Nz Lotto ,Lotto Today,Wednesday Lotto,Tonights Lotto, lucky lotto numbers nz, lotto number generator, hot lotto numbers, lotto 3 numbers, lotto jackpot for saturday,option trading,forex trading platforms,currency trading,fx trading,forex online
Lotto nz Results
-Total Winners: 2
-Each Winners' Lotto Result Prize: $500,000.00
Lotto nz Results
-Total Winners: 8
-Each Winners' Prize: $31,719.00.
Lotto nz Results
-Total Winners: 391
-Each Winners' Lotto Result Prize: $644.00.
Lotto nz Results
-Total Winners: 16142
-Each Winners' Lotto Result Prize: $31.00.
Lotto nz Results
-Total Winners: 23065
-Each Winners' Lotto Result Prize: $21.00.

Some Statistics for
Lotto nz Results
Draw 2462, from Tatts Lotto Group & the Lott:

- 2 Lotto nz Results Jackpot Winners, each: won $500,000.
- Next
Lotto nz Results
Lotto Draw will be held on 2025-03-12.
Lotto nz Results
Lotto Draws number: 05, 11, 12, 23, 38, 39, With Complimetary balls numbers: 01
- next
Lotto nz Results
Lotto Draw will be help on Wednesday, 12th March 2025.

      for more
Lotto nz Results
New Zealand Statistics, Lottery Results, and Lotto nz Results, click:

Play Lotto nz Results from Tatts Lotto Group & the Lott.

PLAY LOTTO NZ, Buy The Lotto nz, Check the Results, Win The Draw.
NEW ZEALAND LOTTO, lotto result, national lotto results,powerball, strike numbers, powerball results, powerball numbers, powerball lotto,Lottery Results,Lotto Numbers, Lotto Nz, Nz Lotto ,Lotto Today,Wednesday Lotto,Tonights Lotto, lucky lotto numbers nz, lotto number generator, hot lotto numbers, lotto 3 numbers, lotto jackpot for saturday,option trading,forex trading platforms,currency trading,fx trading,forex online

Lotto NZ

How to play Lotto nz Results
Lotto is our original Saturday night lottery game and the starting point for playing to win on both Wednesdays and Saturdays. You can choose to play Powerball and Strike too, however you must play Lotto first. You can play just Lotto, Lotto and Powerball, Lotto and Strike or all three games together.
The aim of the games is to match the numbers on a line of your ticket to the winning numbers for that particular draw.
Watch the draw when it's shown live every Wednesday at approximately 8.20pm and Saturday night at 8pm on TV One.

How much is Lotto nz Results
Lotto costs 60 cents per line. If you’re picking your own numbers, you must choose a minimum of four lines, which will cost you $2.40. You can also play Dips, which range from $4.80 to $12 for Lotto.
Strike costs $1 per line. You can add 1 to 20 lines of Strike to your Lotto ticket.
Powerball costs 60 cents per line. If you’re picking your own numbers, you must choose a minimum of four lines of both Lotto and Powerball, which will cost you $4.80. You can also play Dips, which range from $9.60 to $24 for Lotto Powerball.

Picking your own numbers
If you like a bit more control, or have some favourite numbers you want to play, picking your own numbers is the way to go.
Picking your own is super easy with our ticket builder. Simply use the number selector to pick six numbers between 1 and 40 to get one line of Lotto. You need to pick a minimum of four lines on a ticket and you can choose more if you’re feeling lucky!

Picking a dip
Dips are the easy, no fuss way to play Lotto, Powerball and Strike. Simply choose which Dip you would like and the computer will randomly pick your numbers for you. Take a look at the options outlined below:
To play just Lotto, choose a Lucky Dip. There are four Lucky Dips priced from $4.80 (8 lines of Lotto) to $12 (20 lines of Lotto).

Adding Strike to your Lotto ticket
The aim of Strike is to pick the first four Lotto numbers in the correct order – the more you pick in the right order, the more you win. To play Strike you need to pick four numbers between 1 and 40 and the order you think they will be drawn. For example, if you think number 23 will be the first number drawn on the night, pick that number first on your ticket.

Adding Powerball to your Lotto ticket
The aim of Powerball is to select the correct Powerball number that is drawn. You need to play Lotto in order to play Powerball. Powerball has its own numbers and a separate draw, which happens immediately after the Lotto draw.
To play Powerball, simply pick one number from between 1 and 10 for each Lotto line on your ticket. Looking at your ticket, the Powerball number sits at the end of the Lotto line in its own special ‘Powerball’ column.
You can choose to have the same Powerball number for all of your Lotto lines, or mix it up. You can pick your Powerball number(s) yourself or get a random selection. The choice is yours!

Our Multidraw option lets you purchase your ticket for up to 10 draws, which makes it a handy option if you're heading away on holiday and won’t be able to get your ticket.
Simply click on the Multidraw box when you’ve got your ticket selection sorted, and tell us how many weeks you want your ticket to run for.

First Division jackpots
The top prizes for Powerball and Strike will each jackpot if the First Division in that game is not won. However there are limits to this:

-Powerball may not jackpot after the First Division jackpot has reached $40 million
-Strike may not jackpot after the First division (Strike Four) has reached $800,000, or for more than nine consecutive weeks.

In the instance that one of these situations occurs, a ‘Must Be Won’ draw will be called for the game concerned. Must Be Won draw means that if there are no First Division winners, the entire jackpot rolls down to the next division where there are winners.

NEW ZEALAND LOTTO, lotto result, national lotto results,powerball, strike numbers, powerball results, powerball numbers, powerball lotto,Lottery Results,Lotto Numbers, Lotto Nz, Nz Lotto ,Lotto Today,Wednesday Lotto,Tonights Lotto, lucky lotto numbers nz, lotto number generator, hot lotto numbers, lotto 3 numbers, lotto jackpot for saturday,option trading,forex trading platforms,currency trading,fx trading,forex online

Each Wednesday night at approximately 8.20pm and Saturdays at 8pm on TV One, 6 Lotto numbers and 1 bonus number are drawn from a possible 40, and 1 Powerball number is drawn from a possible 10. The aim is to match as many numbers as you can – match a minimum of 3 Lotto numbers plus the bonus ball on one line and you’re a winner. Match all 6 main balls and you win Lotto – if you get the Powerball number too, you win the big one!

Lotto nz Results is a Crown entity that operates nationwide lotteries in New Zealand. The oldest and most popular draw is the twice weekly Lotto draw which boasts a top prize pool of NZ$1 million. There are two other draws, the four-draws-daily Keno, and Bullseye, newly introduced Play 3, and a variety of scratchcards known as Instant Kiwi. Powerball and Lotto Strike are optional extras with every Lotto ticket, whilst the Winning Wheel game is free to all Lotto ticket purchasers.

Instant Kiwi may only be played by persons 18 years of age or older, under the Gambling Act 2003.

Profits from the publicly regulated lotteries are passed to the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board to distribute as funding for recreation, arts, community projects and sports. Since its creation, Lotto nz Results has contributed more than $3.6 billion to the Lottery Grants Board. The New Zealand Film Commission, Creative New Zealand, and Sport New Zealand are major recipients of lottery money.

Lotto nz Results STATISTICS

NZ lotteries are subject to many regulations. The minimum age to purchase lottery products is 18.

NZ-LOTTO.COM provides a wealth of statistical information, gathered by a team of highly skilled experts, for people who have an interest in lottery statistics and probability. This unique website provides in-depth numerical data for Australain Lotto.

To provide the most up-to-date and accurate lotto statistics, the numerical information on NZ-LOTTO.COM is updated within minutes of the different lottery draws taking place and is thoroughly checked. To view information for a lottery, simply choose the option you like from below including the most common numbers, consecutive number patterns, distribution of odds versus evens and bell curve statistics.
These pages shows you which NZLOTTO have been picked the most and least times. You can see which are the most common and least common Lotto nz Results winning numbers to drop out of the machine.

Play 3 – a great new game that gives you the chance to win every day.
Pick a three digit number and a play type. Match your number to the one we draw and you could be a winner!

Play your numbers to win!
Just pick a 3 digit number and a play type… Match your 3 digit number to the one we draw and you could be a winner!

The aim of the game is to get as close as you can to the winning Bullseye winning number.
There is a Bullseye draw every day at 6pm.








Address: New Zaeland info@nz-lotto.com


NEW ZEALAND LOTTO, lotto result, national lotto results,powerball, strike numbers, powerball results, powerball numbers, powerball lotto,Lottery Results,Lotto Numbers, Lotto Nz, Nz Lotto ,Lotto Today,Wednesday Lotto,Tonights Lotto, lucky lotto numbers nz, lotto number generator, hot lotto numbers, lotto 3 numbers, lotto jackpot for saturday,option trading,forex trading platforms,currency trading,fx trading,forex online


Terms and conditions:

This website is not an official website and is not associated with any New Zealand Lottery company that manages any product for which their services are employed.

The information available on the NZ-LOTTO.COM website is solely for the use of players and prospective players of The New Zealand lotteries. These are information pages only and are not intended to encourage participation in lotteries.

Do check your results from any authorized lotto dealer near you to confirm your winnings.

Lotto Results

We are live on Facebook:
Go like our facebook page: ( NZ LOTTO - New Zealand Lottery ) Where you can check your ticket results of Lotto, Powerball, Strike & Set for life.

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